Magali Milbergue

Magali Milbergue

Créatrice web, accompagnatrice, formatrice et inclusion advocate.


Talkception - why non-technical talks in tech events are so important

Welcome to the page dedicated to my talk « Talkception – why non-technical talks in tech events are so important ».

That talk was presented for the first time at pgDay Paris 2023 in march and a second time at SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 in october.

I hope it’ll find other conventions that will welcome it because I really believe we have to educate ourselves more on social issues as an industry.

This page will be in constant evolution. I’ll add resources as I go. 

Talkception - why non-technical talks in tech events are so important

Welcome to the page dedicated to my talk « Talkception – why non-technical talks in tech events are so important ».

That talk was presented for the first time at pgDay Paris 2023 in march and a second time at SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 in october.

I hope it’ll find other conventions that will welcome it because I really believe we have to educate ourselves more on social issues as an industry.

This page will be in constant evolution. I’ll add resources as I go. 

The pitch.

The following talk is done by a professional, please don’t try this at home ! Today, we will give a non-technical talk in a tech event to advocate for non-technical talks in tech events ! Tadaa !
We often judge tech events by the quality of their technical talks. And after all, why not ? It seems totally fair as we probably go to these events to learn all the new infos about our favorite tools, we want to learn the hot new good practices, we want inspiration, experiences reports… We want to test new things and be blown away by shiny code ! We say « YAY » when our favorite speakers are announced and wonder what the newbies will bring to the table !
Okay. But is a tech event really a good event without non-technical talks ? Our jobs are to build tech but we are humans. Humans interacting with other humans. And it does impact our work. And we don’t only build tech out of nothing, we do it to our users, that are (we can only hope) humans themselves. So thinking our work is only technical is akeen to let a whole unseen area from which big issues could come from. And I will argue in this talk that any good tech event should actually be judged on its non-technical talks rather than on the technical ones.


Here is a list of resources I’ve used to write this talk or that would help you understand the issues more. If you want to dig deeper after watching my talk, here are some stuff that will help you. This list is far from being exhaustive of course and there are many other good resources to find.

NB: some of those resources are in French.

Now what ?

If you want to talk more about my talk, you cant contact me, I’ll be very happy to keep the discussion going.

If you are an event organizer or represent a company and want to book me for this talk, you can also contact me of course !

Also, I’m working on workshops about how to deconstruct our biases and how to understand social issues better. If you’re interested, I’d be super happy to talk your ear off about it.